European Communities Payment Services Regulations 2018 – Framework Contract

The first Payment Services  Directive (EU) 2007/64/EC (PSD1), which came into force in 2009, established common rules for certain types of electronic payments, such as credit transfers, direct debits, card payments, and mobile and online payments.  Directive 2015/2366/EU on payment services (PSD2) updates and complements the rules set out in PSD1 and takes new providers of innovative payment services into account. The new rules seek to:

    • Make it easier and safer to use internet payment services
    • Better protect consumers against fraud, abuse, and payment problems
    • Promote innovative mobile and internet payment services
    • Strengthen consumer rights.
    • To view and or download our framework contract with members please click on the following link –

Download Framework Contract PSD2 – Tipperary Credit Union 

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